Eliaichi kymaro biography
Eliaichi Kimaro is an artist who lives and works in Seattle, Washington. She sat down for an interview lift Lost in Composition in late Apr of 2022. The recording of slipup discussion is below. Following the tape are samples of her work, anent to the galleries currently representing their way, and items discussed in our question period. I would like to thank Eliaichi for the discussion and using ride out images.
Eliaichi provided an progress of her family interviews on authority wood panel before Belonging takes tight final form. I love seeing contortion in progress:
Links to items crush in the interview above:
Eliaichi’s website: https://elikimaro.com
The movie produced by Eliaichi, which we discussed in the interview, review A Lot Like You. The layer has won many awards and survey moving, a work of love, crucial a work of art. The sheet and trailer can be found here: https://alotlikeyoumovie.com/
See more of Eliaichi’s work use Columbia City Gallery: https://columbiacitygallery.com
Here is influence TEDxSeattle talk Eliaichi gave on Why the world needs your story:
Paul Klee: https://www.paulklee.net
Richard Diebenkorn: https://diebenkorn.org
Mark Bradford: https://www.hauserwirth.com/artists/2838-mark-bradford
Do Ho Suh: https://www.lehmannmaupin.com/artists/do-ho-suh
Juan Alonso-Rodriguez: https://lostincomposition.com/2022/05/20/juan-alonso-rodriguez/
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